An interesting perspective from George Carlin that I have always loved.
An interesting perspective from George Carlin that I have
always loved. It echo’s Buddha’s urging to question everything.
“Once a week, Father
Russell would come in for “Heavy Mystery” time. And we would save all our weird
questions for Father Russell. In fact, we would make up strange questions. The
class would take a whole week thinking up trick questions for Father Russell. ‘Hey,
hey, hey Father! Hey, uh, if God is all-powerful, can he make a rock so big
that he himself can't lift it? Ha, ha, heeeeey! We got him now! Ah, ha, ha!’ Or
else you’d take a very simple sin and surround it with the most bizarre
circumstances you could try to, you know, relieve the guilt in the
sin. We would usually end up with the, uh, statement, ‘Would that then be a sin
then, Father?’”
So, here is an
example. There was one sin which was not receiving communion during Easter
time. You had to perform your ‘Easter duty’. As good Catholics we had to
receive communion once between Ash Wednesday and Pentecost Sunday and if we
didn’t receive it, it was considered a mortal sin. Provided, of course, we had
said to ourselves, ‘Hey, I’m not going do it this year!’ And, there were not
many mortal sins on that, but many of us boys went to Venial City on Easter
duty and so we would ask the priest ‘Hey, Father, hey, uh.’ Remember guys would
leave their hand up after they got called on, right? And the priest would say, ‘What
are you, the Statue of Liberty, Dunn?’ ‘Oh, sorry Father. Anyways, Father.
Suppose that you didn’t make your Easter duty...and it’s Pentecost Sunday...the
last day...and you’re on a ship at sea...and the chaplain goes into a
coma...but you wanted to receive. And then it’s Monday, too late...but then you
cross the International Date Line!’ ‘Yes, I’m sure God will take that into
account. Sit down, Woozie.’
– the Late Great Philosopher George Carlin