add some color to your average life!!!!!!!! |
Holi (Hindi: होली),
is a religious spring festival celebrated by Hindus. Holi is also known as
festival of Colors. Holi is celebrated at the end of the winter season on the
last full moon day of the lunar month Phalguna (February/March), (Phalgun
Purnima), which usually falls in the later part of February or March. This year
it is celebrated on March 8, 2012.
In most areas, Holi lasts about two days. One of Holi’s
biggest customs is the loosening strictness of social structures, which
normally include age, sex, status, and caste. Holi closes the wide gaps between
social classes and brings Indians together. Together, the rich and poor, women
and men, enjoy each other’s presence on this joyous day. Additionally, Holi
lowers the strictness of social norms. No one expects polite behavior; as a
result, the atmosphere is filled with excitement and joy.
Every year, thousands of Indians participate in the festival
Holi. Waiting for the day after the full moon in the month of Phalguna, or
early March, These men and women are ready to spread the joy. Holi has many
purposes. First and foremost, it celebrates the beginning of the new season,
spring. It also has a religious purpose, commemorating many events that are
present in Hindu mythology. Although it is the least religious holiday, it is
probably one of the most exhilarating ones in existence. During this event,
participants hold a bonfire, throw colored powder at each other, and celebrate
So do yourself a favor and get some color on and lighten up
and have some fun with friends, family and acquaintances.