Sunday, July 19, 2009


Doloroes O'Riordan delivers a spectactular performance of this song which on the surface may not seem as significant as it is. My mom was born in Dalkey, a suburb of Dublin in 1929; it was in this era that the evolution of nationalism was born. Irish Catholics, under the guise of Irish Nationalism; were fighting with British Protestants, under the guise of British Nationalism. This dichotomy of existience gave birth to the terrorism that we know today. Car bombings, people sacrificing themselves for their beliefs; this all was given birth by the Irish Republican Army and the resistence that formed the Britsh Reform in Ireland (Erie). This song in many ways reminds of the later song "Losing My Religion" by REM.

I can say that these lyrics are haunting and cause me to reflect on the stories told to my by my sweet and deceased mother who lived this insantiy in a world considered sane by Western Standards.



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