Thursday, August 20, 2009


So, are you ready to make these dedications? Moving in all directions through our practice of Zazen, Shikantaza and raw awareness the integration of our personal precepts become the only guide to our lives.
I may discuss the intial five precepts, or the ten precepts and later we might discuss the more advanced sixteen precepts as a way to life.
In our Korean Linji tradition the most advanced extremeophiles may take an additional 58 precepts to set your life path and bestow the honorable direction. There can be no explanation of these advanced precepts in this post, yet we do have information available for all interested parties. Want to commit, we have the vows to consume.

Five Precepts—Lay Practitioner (haengja)

1. I vow to abstain from taking life.
2. I vow to abstain from taking things not given.
3. I vow to abstain from misconduct done in lust.
4. I vow to abstain from lying.
5. I vow to abstain from intoxicants, taken to induce heedlessness.

Ten Precepts—Dharma Practitioner (pŏp haengja)

6. I vow not to talk about the faults of the assembly.
7. I vow not to praise myself and disparage others.
8. I vow not to be covetous and to be generous.
9. I vow not to give way to anger and to be harmonious.
10. I vow not to slander the three jewels. (Buddha, Sangha, and Dharma)

Sixteen Precepts—Dharma Priest (pŏp haech’o)

11. I vow homage to the Buddha.
12. I vow homage to the Dharma.
13. I vow homage to the Sangha.
14. I vow generosity to people.
15. I vow compassionate speech and compassionate action toward people.
16. I vow together action with people and to become one and to attain the Buddha way.

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