Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Western Dharma

I was going through a collection of comments by Zen Master Seung Sahn that was sent to me by Mu Sang Sunim. It struck me that we all need someone to help us see the way to through the unveiled truth. It has been the purview of masters since time immemorial.

The teachers who came from the west, Suzuki Roshi, Trungpa Rinpoche, Maezumi Roshi, Samu Sunim, Zen Master Seung Sahn, Thich Nhat Hahn, MahaGhosanada, Katigiri Roshi, Matsuoku Roshi, Eido Roshi and Sasaki Roshi have left an indelible impact on the western students of Buddhism.

These teachers have been so precious to the Dharma's unfolding in the west, and thinking that we would be where we are without each of their independent dedication is silly, because we have all learned from them.

I haven't mentioned Robert Aitken Roshi, who had been the perfect American Zen Master incarnate. Thank goodness that our first archetype was so centered and aware.

I pay homage to the multitude of teachers who have transmitted the dharma since time immemorial. Thanks for the transmission, may we hear you all loud and clear.


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