Friday, September 11, 2009

hold your breath

The events that have transpired since Barak Obama has been sworn in as President of the United States of America have caused me to take pause and move back to my youth as an American growing up in the US in the post Hippie movement of the 1960’s. In High School in the early 1970’s I was required to read “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury and “1984” by George Orwell. It seemed to me when I read these books as a fourteen year old that such ‘fiction’ could never exist in the America that I knew.

However, with the recent allegations that have followed Barak Obama, since taking office as President of these United States of America, by the left, by the Republican party, by those who seem to be owned by big money that runs this country; I am aghast at what we are willing to accept as ‘news’ (fox) and what is being accepted by our country as acceptable.

I must apologize to Ray and George because they had a clearer vision than I. If you are not familiar with either of these books, please buy them, read them, and digest their thesis prior to passing judgment on my statements. I have not, and will never be political; yet this is beyond politics. This was at the core of what Adolf Hitler used in his propaganda campaign that ended up in creating World War II.

Also, this post is not politically motivated. I have no agenda other than stating the ‘truth.’ What happened to Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite? We live in a world of ‘scripted reality’ television that is one step removed from the World Wrestling Federation. The problem is that far too many Americans believe that the WWF and the rest of ‘Reality’ TV is real.

The reality of our lives is simple. Those who have the most money want to keep it so they will do whatever it takes to hang on to that money. They will do whatever they can to motivate the believers in the WWF to support their cause. If you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it. I am sorry that I have grown old enough to see that Ray and George were right about the United States. Please take this seriously and open your heart to the reality of our lives.

If my comments seem political, they are not. If you believe they are, there is of course nothing I can do to change your opinion, and I will not try. I can only post this in hopes that those who understand the significance of this will take the right measures to support compassion and humanity in the twenty first century.


Blogger Nathan said...

I'm also greatly troubled by the state of things in our nation. Greed, hatred, and ignorance fuel so many of our social/political decisions. Our political leaders give in more and more to the moneyed interests no matter what party they are from. And on the whole, the population either has chosen one of the parties as their "truth," or simply doesn't care at all. I feel a large part of my practice must be to try and engage some of this from a Buddhist prospective. Not an easy thing to do, and one filled with potential problems, but I do feel the world is calling for more of us to "be involved" as spiritual people concerned about the world.

September 12, 2009 at 9:53 AM  
Anonymous Jiun Foster said...

Popsanim - you've hit the nail on the head, both with your comments and the context in which you place them.

I think the saddest commentary of all is, as you've pointed out, that we live in a time where simply stating the truth suddenly labeled partisan and political.

September 14, 2009 at 5:23 AM  

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